Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Crystal - healing energy
Aventurine Connection to devic realm Enhances creativity
Black Osidian Ground and protect Disperses negative energy
Celestite Stimulate higher consciousness, dream recall, purity of heart
Citrine Regenerate Attract abundance
Clear Quartz powerful healing amplifier Absorbs and releases energy Regulates and raises energy to highest possible level Enhances psychic abilities
Fluorite Protection from negative patterns fixation brainwash
Pearl Feminine Purity Innocence
Peridot Relax into peace Understand Destiny, Forgiveness
Red Carnelian Anchor present reality Creativity
Rose Quartz healing love and acceptance
Tourmaline purification balance ethereal
Tuesday, 13 August 2019
Sunday, 20 May 2018
- Liver & gallbladder control Tendon
- Spleen & Stomach control Muscle
- Kidney & Urinary Bladder control Bone
- Heart controls vessels
- Lungs control Qi
Zhang organs (Yin) - Heart Lung Spleen Liver Kidney Pericardium
Fu (Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Stomach, Gallbladder, Urinary Bladder, 3 Jiao)
All Zhang & Fu organs play a role in maintaining Qi balance of musculoskeletal system
Yin condition- deficiency of vital energy with lower body resistance (elderly)
Pain exacerbated with cold temperature, fixed area, deep & wide, LT and continuous, Passive, cool & silent, bleary eyes, deep level sleeping Soft voice
Pale wet with edema skin Loose and forceless Short and fast breathing Diarrhea Prefer hot, Slightly high temperature, Sweating, not thirsty prefer hot drinks, Abdomen-short and like to be palpated Dry lusterless hair Tongue white & thin Menstrual long & Large Vol High heart rhythm Fast breathing Strong sensitivity Sleep easily
Yang condition- Disorders in strong physical condition (middle age)
Mostly allergic, intermittent, acute, local no fixed spot, relieved with cold temperature
Hyperactive, talkative clear piercing nimble eyes,light sleeping level,loud, red and dry skin Stiffness Coarse breathing Constipation Prefer cold, high body temperature, increased sweat glands, thirsty prefer cold drinks Abdomen- Distended & dislike palpation, Soft hair with luster Tongue red & thick Menstrual Short & small Vol Low heart rhythm, Slow breathing Weak sensitivity Take longer to zzz
Monday, 6 September 2010
Tesla Purple Plates

Tesla plates are antennas for cosmic energy (tachyons), create a harmonizing field and may thereby affect body and soul positively. Tachyons are defined as faster-than-light energy particles without mass. Their existence was physically proven in the 1960's. Ref: Quantum Mechanics, Bell's theorem, David Bohm: Non locality "
The plates may clean food and water on an energetic level and promote plants/vegetables in their growth and proliferation. Many people use them to support physical healing (e.g. headaches, cuts, wounds, fractures etc.) or they carry them around in order to raise their vibratory frequency. Tesla plates are the oldest Tachyon products. Contrary to others they work for an unlimited time as they reload themselves continuously.
The plates offered here are manufactured in Switzerland, where they have been further developed. They come in different sizes, forms and colours, for different purposes. They are neither FDA approved nor do they replace medical therapy or supervision.
The Tesla plates are made of aluminum, which is first anodized (electrolytic oxidation) and then colored. The spin of the atoms and electrons of the aluminum is thus changed in such a way, that the plates are said to vibrate in resonance with the fundamental energy (Chi, Prana, Orgon) of the universe. The plates were developed by Ralph Bergstresser after a patent and from the knowledge /information and ideas of Nikola Tesla, with whom he worked for a certain time in 1940s. With anodizing, the field of the plates is changed and interacts with tachyons. The surface of the plates has a crystal-structure.
The atomic structure of Plates has been altered, allowing the atoms and electrons of the aluminum to resonate in tune with the basic energy that causes the particles of every atom and molecule to be in constant vibration. Once the structure of the atoms of the aluminum have been altered, they will remain in that condition- possibly indefinitely. The plates create a positive energy field around themselves that will penetrate any material substance by osmosis. This energy is said to be beneficial to all life..plant, animal or human. Science has proven that by projecting love or positive energy to a plant, the plant will flourish. The plate energy will also do the same thing to plants. Burns, cuts, aches and pains involve a sudden change to the normal vibration rate of tissue. The theory is that the energy around the plates helps to accelerate the healing and thus return the injured area to its normal rate of vibration.
Their chemical composition is the same as that of rubies and sapphires, which also consist of aluminum oxide. We know that rubies give energy and thus were called "life-stones" in the Middle-Ages.
Tesla already mentioned tachyon fields at the end of the 19th century and used this energy in some of his inventions. Tachyon energy is said to affect subatomic structures in an ordering way, aligning molecular structures uniformly, harmonizing life energy and weakening perturbative fields.
Tesla said, that when tachyons are slowed down, they produce energy fields of high density. As information carriers they are said to have a very beneficial effect on living organisms and to neutralize negative fields.
The idea is, that Tachyons pass trough untreated aluminum plates without hindrance. By anodizing the plates, they get a field that slows down tachyons. Thus the plates get loaded with energy/information. These are not so called scientific facts, but just possible explanations.
Nikola Tesla himself used similar plates in several patents and called them antennas for free energy. They are said to transfer information from the so-called "Schuhmann-field" to the human aura. Thus the human organism can bring itself back into an equilibrium on several levels and increase its vibration frequency. The plates are said not only to work as antennas but also as transmitters. Their field penetrates every material with positive energy.
The "Schuhmann-Field" is a magnetic field between the ionosphere and Earth's surface. Tesla called this field an energetic matrix for the life on Earth; thus a magnetic field and a information storage at the same time. Remember, we too use magnetic fields for storage in audio- and videotapes, computerdisks etc.
Among the plates many uses are that they are worn to raise personal energy levels and to protect one against electromagnetic radiation (EMR) in the environment and from EMR- producing equipment, such as computers, televisions, etc. The life-force energy of the plates can be measured by radionic equipment. The energy level of an individual who has begun to work on him/ herself might oscillate (or vibate) around 25,000 cycles a second. When this person holds a purple plate, the reading immediately increases to 90,000- 95,000 cycles a second. It will not remain at that level, but with continual use of the plate, it will slowly increase to a steady 100,000 cycles per second. All faith healing utilizes this higher energy. Here the example of a Kirlian photo:
There are many uses for tesla plates. Here are only a few suggestions.
- Place a small sized plate in a pocket or purse for more energy. (No body contact is necessary.
- Place large plate in refrigerator (center shelf is best.) to enhance flavour & freshness. Food, with the exception of fresh meat and fish, will stay fresh longer.
- Place beneath sick house plants, or water sick plants with water which has been placed on plate overnight.
- Place small plate in dog or cat bed, or under food dish.
- To energize crystals, place on purple plate for 12 hours.
- Use the plate on injured area of any living thing.
- Travellers can carry a small plate to energize their drinking water and eliminate\ illness and stomach upsets.
- Small plate placed on forehead to alleviate headache pain, on joints to alleviate gout and arthritis pain, on stomach to stop nausea.
- Placed on forehead in the morning will help you to remember your dreams. Also place on forehead to promote deeper meditation.
- Place on affected areas to help with cramps, headaches, stomach upsets, stiff joints, torticollis, swelling, ringworm, "clicking" jaw, alcoholism, anxiety, colic and depression.
- Placing a glass of water on a small purple plate for approximately 5 minutes, you induce the high spiritual vibration of the seventh colour ray (violet.) Violet is also the colour of the flame of Saint Germain, and corresponds with the 7th energy centers in our bodies, also known as the crown chakra. Some people sleep with a plate beneath their pillow to ensure restfulness, even when one has only slept a short time. Others cannot sleep with the plates nearby, as they will remain awake.
- Wearing a small plate will cause most people to feel an increase in energy. Others find the best results wearing them for shorter periods of time, perhaps 30 minutes or an hour each day. The time spent wearing one all depends on the person and experimenting with the plates will let you know how much your particular chemistry is influenced by them.
Thursday, 4 June 2009
Violet expressing a transformation or transition
Behind violet: perceive idea of something new that has come (red)., which makes it possible for something old to go (Blue)
No need for fear(Yellow, complementary of Violet), of having miss something (Blue) since replacement Red is already in our reach.
There's still work to be done in spirituality, in the service to the world (Violet)
When we open ourselves to the purpose of our lives, to our mission, to that small still voice within (Blue), we might discover our place and our gifts, enabling us to do what we have to do (Violet)
Violet & Yellow are complementaries. Looking beyond what's obvious, other qualities are revealed.
Giving light to lower fraction of B78= gives B25, Red/Red Convalescence bottle. New awakening and letting go of disappointments leads to action.
Add a little light to upper fraction B78= Pale Violet, increasing the intensity of transformation towards transmutation. Adding a little light, nothing more, enhances the entire process.
Deep magenta: rescue, how it is that the very depths invite people to overcome their grief and isolation (violet). Start practicing attention and care in the little things , the more one learns to do the same in the greater things. Invitation to all people to bring more love in everyday life.
78 = leads to B7 & B8. B7=final test in relation to B8, a test for the light Body. It's about a difficult moment ie Vicky's passing for Aura-soma.
B7: Garden of Gethsemane, foot of Mt Olives in Jerusalem, where Jesus prayed the night before his crucifixion. Also a place where Virgin Mary is believed was buried. The energy of Christ is prominently present there.
B8: ANubis, the Eqyptian jackal headed god who judges the heart of every decesaed on a balance with feathers. Lightness of feathers symbolises Light Body, core of Aura-Soma colour system. B8 reverse of B94, indicates Michaelic energy, the point where my will meets Thy Will.
Christ & Michael (Blue & Yellow) are joined here, very place where 3 primary colours meet equally, resulting in harmony and creation of magenta, leading us back to B78.
Return journeys: B7 & B8: B85 and B86, telling story of Titania and Oberon, Queen & King of the Fairies. Both bottles entirely turquoise, the story of non-reciprocal love, a Coral theme, which is the complementary colour of Turquoise.
Kabbala: B7: chariot path from Binah to Gevurah, connected to Tiphereth by B8 on the path of Judgment. Final test of faith leading right to the heart. Also B78 has strong connection with ursa major, Great Bear, a constellation visible throughout the year in the northern hemisphere. The Great Bear has 7 stars, 2 point directly to the North Star. Adding 7 &8 = B15 which leads to B6
B15: Service in New Aeon; shed light on B78, spiritual transformation to higher level of transmutation.
B6: Energy Bottle: strong awakenning energy. If we succed in letting go of fear, anxiety and control (yellow), and listening to the still small voice within (B in B78), we find our place in service again (Violet in B78). We can transform V in B78 into gentle care, exercising love & grace, and enhancing our attention (all magenta in B78)
B6: Red/ Red provides massive energy & will create full drive in life. This completes the circle, at a point where the Red from the base chakra in B6 touches the Violet and Magenta in the 7th & 8th in B78.
Looking at B78 from an entirely other point of view leads to B70, complementary /reverse bottle.
Violet in upper fraction turning into Yellow and Deep Magenta in lower fraction being shadow. The bottle is called "Vision of Splendor", 7 here meaning final test, and the test this time is 0, the spiritual rescue. The opportunity is waiting to transform the qualities of B78 into a letting go of the suffering (clear) allowing the joy (Yellow) to return after the grief (Violet). Once we find our place in the world, it will be possible to see beyond confusion, thus finding splendor.
B78: convert "crown rescue" into numbers, one finds 45 to be the outer number, 19 to be the inner number, B54 to be the vocational number.
B35: Kindness inviting one to find or create the circumstances and patterns of Pink & Violet, of a service of love.
B3 & 5 add up to 8, for Anubis who is keeping an eye on the process.
B19: Letting go of anger and frustration. Holding on to the tendency of aversion (Red) can never lead to any constructive climate. Giving awakening (Red) a chance might bring the vital force and focus (Red) to heal (Purple) what is to be healed.
Substract 1 from 9 gives an 8 again, once more Anubis who's watching over our shoulders.
B54: Serapis Bey, most powerful one within the entire Equilibrium range. Containing every colour and every quality. Power o pure light, shining n the world and every creature. Light is so vital to life, available in Malkuth.
B20, hidden in B78, with every harmonising male-female energies leading along Path of Judgement directly towards B54 in Malkuth.
Binah Chokmah
Geburah Chesed
Hod Netzach
Monday, 5 January 2009
"Aura" = "energy field", light and colour. "Soma"= "body".
A living system, it uses the visual and non-visual energies of
1) colours 2) herbs from essential oils & herbal extracts
3) crystals and gems.
AURA-SOMA® addresses the soul through the language of colours.
It is a non-intrusive and self-selective soul therapy system. Discover your soul journey. Call Natalie for a reading today!