Friday, 27 June 2008

Anthroposophy (Spiritual science)- Rudolf Steiner

Human Being : trichotomy of body, soul & spirit. We possess supra-sensory organs.

Body-One perceives physical senses (responds to law of inheritance): 4 bodies: physical, etheric, astral & self
Soul- One Builds his own world (responds to self imposed karma) :
Spirit-One accedes to a world which transcends the other 2 (responds to law of reincarnation)

He believes in awakening, not transmitting (no dogma, sectarianism, etc) Each responsible to awaken own spiritual knowledge & connect with higher self. Once perceived, one will find in it the eternal character of the what happened in the past..this etheric astral register of Earth called the Akashi record

Nature (heredity) nurture (culture) plus human self's previous lives conditioning determines circumstances of life on earth.
The process of healing is a learning process, physical & psycho-spiritual =source of evolutionary path: Heal the sick, not cure the disease. Every lesson learned is a freedom gained.

The intensification of consciousness caused by the disease (pain=sensory manifestation) translate in an authentic cure into progress in the consiousness, a transformation of personality.

Believes that each organic process in human being correspond to a process in nature. Separated at some moment of evolution but preserve their intrinsic affinity.

Anthroposophical pharmacopoeia seeks to tap into medicine a particular process, the complex interaction of forces which originated the substance to establish the connection between the process in human & the process in nature, to guide towards the establishment of its original harmony & self healing.

Other known work: Therapeutic eurythmy, bio-dynamic agriculture, cosmology (Mystery of Golgotha)

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