Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Root chakra Muladhara

Colour Red

Key issues: Sexuality,lust obsession
Physical location: Btwn Anus & genitals, opening downwards
Associated spinal area: 4th sacral vertebra
Physiological system: Reproductive
Endocrine glands: gonads
Nerve plexus: Sacral-coccygeal
Inner aspect - Grounding spiritual energies
Physical action Sexuality
Mental action-Stability
Emotional action- Sensuality
Spiritual action- Security

Kundalini - latent cosmic energy activated thru hatha yoga practices, rises thru the top of the head to the sahasrara /crown chakra or 1000 -petalled lotus above. THere it unites with its opposite polarity, the opposite of Paramashiva or supreme godhead consciousness....& the yogi attains total liberation from everyday reality.

feminine shakti power of eternal godess who wants to unite with her Lord Shiva at your crown chakra..rises up the spine, surging thru the chakras in ecstatic burst of infinite light and power and shimmer in your head.

2BCE Patanjali compiled yoga writings in the Sutras of patanjali. Composed of 8 limbs

1 Yamas - restraints: 10: non-violence,truth, honesty, sexual continence,forbearance, fortitude, kindness, straightforwardness,moderation in diet and avoiding impurity in body, mind & speech;

2 Niyamas observances: 10: austerity, contentment, belief in God, charity, worship of God, listening to explanations of doctrines, modesty, a discerning mind, repetition of prayers & sacrifice

3 Asana Yoga postures : With Correct posture, body's forces are balanced, the breathing is slowed and meditation is facilitated

4 Pranayama: control of prana. Slowing breathing so that thebreath is held between inhaling & exhaling

5 Pratyahara Withdrawing from distraction of sensory world through deep concentration

6 Dharana: Stilling the mind. Concentrating on each chakra in turn

7 Dhyana: uninterrupted meditation- no fixed point to meditate on. State of profound calmness where the experience of bliss begins

8 Samadhi: State of complete equilibrium and self realization where one becomes free of awareness of the self, time or space

terms: manas (mind); buddhi (intellect); ahankara (ego)

Bandhas - body locks
1 Neck lock -jalandhara
2 Diaphragm lock - uddiyana
3 Root lock - mula
4 Great lock - maha

Granthis-knot are energy blocks or psychic bundles that we must cross to raise energy in the sushuma nadi;
Brahma - knot at perineal (yama & niyama undo knot)
Vishnu - knot at Heart chakra
Rudra - knot at Brow chakra (some r trapped here for paranormal vision instd of going for enlightenment)


Yantra- 4 red petals surrounding yellow square of earth, bija mantra LAM
White elephant: strong & intelligent .7 trunks for earth (raja), fluids (rasa), blood (rakta), flesh, nerves and tissue (mansa), fat( medba),bones (asthi), bone marrow (majjan)
Triangle: shakti, female energy
Lingam: shiva male energy
crescent moon : divine source of energy

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