Friday, 4 July 2008

3) Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura

Colour Yellow

Key issues: Power, fear, anxiety, introversion
Physical location: Between the navel and the bottom of the sternum
Associated spinal area: 7th and 8th thoraic vertebra
Physiological system: Metabolic / digestive
Endocrine glands:Islets of langerhans (groups of cells in the pancreas) produce insulin to reduce & glucagons to raise blood sugar
Nerve plexus: Solar plexus
Inner aspect - Opinion and personal power
Physical action -Digestion
Mental action-Power
Emotional action- Expansiveness
Spiritual action- Growth

Tight knot just below sternum: Stress! Embody relaxation technique in lifestyle to reduce stress /remove blockage

Yantra : Power to create & destroy :10 golden yellow petals; Red downward pointing triangle w T projections (3 swastika), symbolise movements; Ram for strength and courage: BiJa Mantra RAM


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