Friday, 4 July 2008

4) Heart Chakra: Anahata

Colour Green / Pink

Key issues: Passion, tenderness, inner child issues & rejection
Physical location: At the centre of chest on sternum
Associated spinal area: 4th thoraic vertebra
Physiological system: Circulatory, lymphatic immune
Endocrine glands: Thymus
Nerve plexus: Heart
Inner aspect - Unconditional love and compassion
Physical action -Circulation
Mental action-Passion
Spiritual action- Devotion

Thymus Chakra
Soft pink/blue
Protection, centre of chest; appears to direct life-giving & healing body energies
Produces thymosins; produces special lymphocytes called T-cells vital to immune system;regulates growth & muscular contractions; connected with flow of lymph through body; monitors energy flows; ancient concept of our breath soul.

Yantra: 12 green petals; Air element; 2 superimposed triangles form star of david for balance & harmony ; small pointed down golden triangle inside : divine light that can be revealed when chakra is fully open; crescent moon represents granthis of vishnu, psychic blocks that must be dissolved to achieve enlightenment

Antelope or deer: lightness & speed of air. Avayu, the vedic god of the winds, rode a deer.

Bija mantra: YAM


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